Thursday, March 13, 2008

An Easy Recipe For Toddlers...

The whole family went grocery shopping last weekend and my husband was looking for something new to eat. I told him to go look around and get anything he wanted. He brings me back this huge butternut squash. He tells me he wants to try it and I could just go home and cook it. Sure, no big deal, I have never cooked one in my entire life!!

We got home and I searched the Internet for an easy recipe and found one (recipe will follow later). It actually turned out great and we loved what little bit of it we got. It seems my 11 month old son thinks it is the best thing ever created. He ate it like there was no tomorrow! Although he does not eat baby food out of a jar anymore I always saved the jars to store food in for him. I got ten jars (stage one size) of butternut squash for him out of half of a squash. The whole squash only cost $1.50. That is so much cheaper than jars of baby food.

So here is the recipe for those who want to save a little money and get your toddler to eat veggies.

1 butternut squash
3 Tbs. melted butter
3 Tbs. cinnamon and sugar mix.

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Cut the squash in half and scoop out seeds. Brush with melted butter and sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar. Place in a pan deep enough to hold 1/2 cup of water. Place them cut side down in pan and add 1/2 cup water. Cook 1 hour- 1 1/2 hours or till tender. Scoop out inside of squash and serve!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

My Monkey Boy Creates Yet Another Mess...

My son loves his bath time. It is a nightly routine right before bedtime. I still bath him in my kitchen sink, mainly because he still fits and it is so much easier than putting him in the bath tub. Recently he has been grabbing anything he can get while he is bathing in the sink. Before bath time I move all the dishes out of the drainer and move anything on the cabinets. I thought we were good to go..Wrong!!

I had my son in the sink with the water running and he was playing with a cup. I turned around to get his towel off of the kitchen table, by the time I turned back around he had grabbed the faucet and pushed it behind the sink. Water was flowing all over my kitchen cabinets then it started flooding the floor before I could get to it and shut it off!

So I couldn't even clean the mess up till I finished bathing the baby and got him dressed for the night. By the time I got done with the baby water is spreading all over the kitchen floor and heading for my hallway. Needless to say it consumed most of my evening trying to cleanup this mess. But that is the joy of being a mommy, you learn very quickly what they can do in 2.2 seconds of unsupervised bath time!!!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

This is What Sleep Deprivation Causes...

I hate when we have to set our clocks up an hour every spring. I am lucky to average 5 hours of sleep a night as it is and now I have to lose another hour! When I woke up Sunday morning I was so sleepy. My son stayed awake about 3 hours and was ready for a morning nap. I was so happy, I could take a nap to!

I was so sleepy but I had to change his diaper before he took a nap, and it was one of those nasty dirty diapers that took 20 minutes to change. So after I cleaned up the mess I threw away his diaper and grabbed him a bottle. He fell right asleep and I went to the bedroom and had just laid my head down when he started crying.

Great, I didn't even get to lay down! So I go to get him out of his bed. I picked him up and he was soaked and so were all of his blankets. I could not figure out how he had peed so much in 15 minutes?? I laid him down to change his clothes. I lifted up his shirt and he had no diaper on! I looked around for it thinking he had took it off or something. But I finally figured out I was so tired I forgot to put a diaper on him!

So instead of having a nice quiet nap I ended up washing laundry all day and cleaning up a mess that was my fault. This may have been the dumbest thing I have ever done : ) I hate Daylight Savings Time LOL : )